I’ve been avoiding giving any thought to the American Presidential election, but I’m finna use my bus ride to work to process my thoughts then move right tf on.
Well well well Democrats, if it isn’t the consequences of your actions.
This moment probably feels bleak as hell for Democrats, but let us not forget…so does the whole fucking rest of American history?!
Election time rolls around and we act like America bout to do a double decker last minute flipperooni. NEWS FLASH! This ain’t the Olympics buddy. And if it were America most definitely is NOT the Simone Biles of that shit.
It is unsettling to witness the collective amnesia of America’s complete history as a white supremacist settler colony.
“Wow, can’t believe this is the new America. 😔”
Would someone care to explain to me what the old America was cause it’s looking real familiar to me?
When people say this I have to assume they’re talking about the covert nicey nice pretend racism that dominated the cultural cannon post civil rights. I didn’t know y’all enjoyed Raegan era code words for “nigger” so much. Don’t call me “nigger” call me “urban”. Don’t call me “nigger” call me “POC”. Don’t call me “nigger” call me “diverse”.
Well my niggas here we are! Hide and seek is over and if you thought you wasn’t gettin' found just wait for the blue and red lights to start flashing in your rearview. That should remind you of the false hope Obama rammed down your throats while he flattened his cousins in Kenya.
Speaking of flattening people, let’s be clear about one thing. Palestinian Americans and people who chose to vote third party are not to blame for Mamala Kamala’s loss. You can add up as many third party numbers to her vote count as you want, add in those who chose to forfeit their presidential vote and look at that we still have a hefty fucking loss. Except in Michigan! We saw that Rashida Tlaib, one of the only people in Congress who openly opposes the Palestinian genocide got re-elected just fine into office 😋.
Add them 15 electoral votes from Michigan to the 226 she had and she’s still not hitting that lucky number 270. Soz bb x.
No let’s talk about where this really all went wrong. Aside from the fact that America ain’t nowhere near electing a South Asian Black woman to its highest office (yeah difficult to empathize with the misogynior you endure trying to become murderer-in-chief), this is a problem that precedes Harris. Democrats love to guarantee shit and NEVER fulfil it.
How long have Democrats been swearing to fix the economy? Probably since that time FDR did it by sacrificing the rights of Black people for the white working class. It’s actually the thing they do best.
“We’ll give you a living wage,” they said. Federal minimum wage is $7.25. Who tf’s rent that finna pay?!
“Student debt? FAGETABOUTIT! We’ll forgive that for you.” Ermmm y’all know anyone who got theirs forgiven? I sure as hell still gotta a few 10 thou to dish up. 😐
“Women should have autonomy over their bodies. You get abortion rights! You get abortion rights! You get abortion rights!” WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK YOU AINT CODIFY IT THEN?! When you had the chance you ain’t do jack shit. You know what, I’m asking questions I already have the answer to.
They don’t do this shit because then they won’t have anything to dangle in front of your face to entice you to vote for them. How can they scare you with the possibility that you might just die in a still birth you can avoid through abortion, if they actually solve the problem and give you the right to abortion? Right, they can’t. They can’t hold the carrot over ur little rabbit face and tell you to run on their never ending treadmill that powers their greedy desires.
Democrats don’t care about you babes. Never have, never will.
Now we’re mad at people’s very explainable logical fallacies that lead them to vote for the singular other fascist option you say exists (there’s actually far more options but alas, I only have this bus ride to get my thoughts out, we’ll leave third parties for another day).
First white working class people abandoned the party, as they will because Republicans will scapegoat minorities as the reason why no resources exist for them. Then working class minority men will follow because FUCK YOUR DANGLY CARROT GIVE ME MONEY SO I CAN USE IT TO FORCE MY FAMILY INTO SUBMISSION!
White women…actually I don’t want to talk about them, they don’t deserve that.
Anyway, what’s really made me sad about this whole thing is seeing the ballot initiatives. Nigga really didn’t vote against ending slavery in prison. In a blue state mind you. There was a ballot initiative, luckily it didn’t pass, in Alabama (double check that) that sought to lower the minimum wage for tipped service workers by 25% and it got more than 40% of votes in favor of it. Bruh.
So yeah shit is bleak, it’s been bleak, but it doesn’t always have to be this way. I’d like to see it lighten up in my lifetime but even if I don’t see that I’m fighting for the success of my children and my children’s children and their children thereafter.
Head down, time to get in this shit fr. Ranked choice voting, underground abortion networks, mutual aid, neighborhood ambulance programs, Saturday schools, more programs than my mind can fathom.
We do it together and we do it when it’s hard. We do it regardless.
Thanks for making it through my spittle of frustration. Let me know how you plan to organize between now and your next local election. Let’s share ideas!
girl you said it way nicer than I could have. this shit is all smoke and mirrors and its so jarring to see people speak as if its anything more. The only thing democrats had going for them was fearmongering "Vote for me cause i'm not Trump". As if Biden's old ass did anything of value for during his Presidency you expect people to just believe his vice President wouldve did any better? please be fr
Welcome to VOTECON 2024. As U were.