Purpose, hmmm, you know I’m struggling with this one. Help me think through why real quick.
20-something here old and I’m on the train nervous about the rent I’ve spent half of hmmmm. My own sense of individual purpose isn’t aligned. That’s fine, I’m literally a child (closer to 30 than 20, oh). But I think the distraction of my own individual self is the barrier I’m running up against.
Sure “purpose” is many fold it can apply to self, object, or other but Kwanzaa’s purpose is most definitely to think outside of one’s self to see each other in one another. Yeah that feels right. Where’s the you in my purpose?
That's the question to ask really. Right now I’m not focused on the you in me and it’s making my vision blurry. Not the “I need to find my glasses type” more the “uggghh just white some strange mucus in my eye that I need to blink away.” Because generally my vision is clear when the mucus of individualism isn’t overwhelming me.
Maybe purpose is being me with you so we can create some solid sense of us. The us-es I’ve cultivated have always been fruit baring. Housing each other, feeding each other and anyone else disposed of, responsible recreational drug use, intellectual nourishment, talking shit about any nigga that piss me off and feeling held, holding them. Captivatingly warm.
What I do know is that collective purpose can’t be defined by any one person. No that’s a dictatorship, I’m inclined to want those sometimes but it never works out. Doesn’t matter how clear you believe your vision in purpose is, there was no coconut tree for you to fall from. You exist in the context.
Light your 5th candle, should be the second green one and talk to someone about how you can create joint purpose to make yourselves that much more powerful.
- Carma <3
In case you’ve missed it, here’s the rest of the Kwanzaa series. <3